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Hi! I am Diana, and I am thrilled to have you here!

In the past 16 years, I’ve gone from struggling with generalized anxiety, depression, and OCD to being continuously called by friends and family the happiest person they know. I am honored to be recognized for my current high vibes, but it wasn’t always this way, and it’s always a work in progress!

(Wow!! That got deep real fast haha! Yup! I don’t like small talk! lol)

After secretly struggling with mental health issues for 13 years, I had a dark night of the soul experience at 24 years old that led me to finally get the mental and spiritual help I needed.

That year, I made it my sole purpose to recover. They say that when you truly desire something, the universe conspires to help you realize your goals. And it seriously did!!! 

In 10 months, I went from having continuous panic attacks, nightmares, barely being able to sleep, and self-medicating (I stole prescription pills from my dad to calm my anxiety attacks) to feeling calmer and happier than ever.

I went from avoiding being alone, terrified of my thoughts, to enjoying my solitude more than anything else.

I went from continuous negative self-talk, shame, and very low self-esteem to loving myself more than ever before.

I went from truly hating my life, my brain, and myself (I know it sounds harsh, but that's how I felt) to loving life and myself more than ever before.

And also, I went from several toxic relationships with all the wrong guys to meeting great guys to, soon after, meeting my now husband of ten years. 

What was the worse thing that ever happened to me became the biggest blessing of my life. And it set me on a path of never-ending self-discovery, spiritual growth, and evolution that hasn’t stopped since then. It’s been 15 years.

This experience also awakened in me a burning desire to positively impact the lives of others and the world.

Just like a therapist and a spiritual guide, together helped me to transform my life for the better radically; I wanted to facilitate the transformation of others. It became my purpose to tell everyone I could (and wanted to hear) that they didn’t have to suffer so much, that they could be happier and experience more peace in their lives.

It didn’t happen overnight (I worked by booty off then and continue to do so), but with persistence, work, and dedication, ANYONE can create a life experience they LOVE and enjoy! 

And it ALL starts in the MIND.

Learning to manage your thoughts and reprogram your subconscious mind to get your brain to work in more empowered and positive ways is the single most important skill someone can learn.

I am thrilled and honored to be your guide on this journey!

Credentials & Experience

Formal training and certifications I've received:

  • Certified Clinical EFT Practitioner (emotional freedom technique/tapping) by IBCP
  • Master Hypnotherapist by IACT & IBCP
  • Trained in Rapid Resolution Therapy® by Dr. Jon Connelly (RRT)
  • Certified Master NLP Coach by IBCP
  • Certified Master TIME technique Coach by IBCP
  • Master Success & life coach by IBCP
  • Certified Holistic Health & Nutrition Coach by Institute of Integrative Nutrition of New York
  • Business & Mindset Coaching taught by James Wedmore
  • Shifting beliefs through language patterns by Jim Fortin

Relevant past experience:

  • Business & Mindset coach for James Wedmore's Business By Design & Next Level Elite Group Coaching Program.
  • Podcast Growth Manager for the Mind Your Business Podcast.
  • Social media Manager for James Wedmore.
  • Ten years of experience in corporate in the areas of sales, marketing, and international expansion.
  • B.S. in Business Management & Accounting.
  • Co-founder of EnseñaPeru, one of the top education non-profits in Peru.

Coaching for people who are 100% committed to their personal growth & transformation.

Let's work together
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This is how I can help you

My coaching dives deep into uncovering and releasing the inner blocks and obstacles that prevent you from:

  • doing what you want to do,
  • being who you wanna be,
  • feeling like you want to feel, and
  • showing up how you want to show up

So you can achieve your life, business, and career goals.

Some of these blocks or obstacles are stuck emotions from the past, negative thinking loops, self-sabotaging patterns of thinking or behavior, bad habits, fears, limiting beliefs, continuous negative mind-chatter, among others.

They are also ideal to transform one or several areas of your life at a subconscious level, which is the source of 90%+ of our daily behaviors (action and inaction).

If you're curious about how I could help you, click the button below to book a free consultation or send me an email to [email protected]

Book your free consultation here

You can also DM me on Instagram here or write me an email here. Let's talk!

Fun facts! 

  • I was born and raised in Peru, but moved to sunny California in 2012.
  • Past occupations/side jobs: Sales development rep, Country Manager & Project Manager at Revolve Clothing, Director of marketing, non-profit co-founder, Podcast Manager, Social Media Manager, photographer, and yoga instructor. (Yup! I've jumped around just a bit to get to what I actually love doing lol)
  • Current occupations: CEO of Diana Sofia Coaching, soon to be podcaster again, and avid researcher/reader/student/learner the rest of the time.
  • Traveling, hiking, road tripping, and visiting new cities and natury places is my love language.
  • I love beaches with crystal clear waters, ideally warm, and if you give me a floaty, I'll be the happiest person in the world.
  • I am fascinated by the science and art of personal transformation and life fulfillment.
  • Learning new and interesting things keeps me excited every day.
  • I enjoy waking up early and drinking lemon water first thing in the morning. Yum!!!
  • I live intentionally, which means that I do (most of) the things I do to be happier, more fulfilled, and achieve my goals.
  • I love smiling, making people laugh, and spreading good vibes 🙂
  • I am grateful for every new day I am gifted (and the many blessings in my life!)
  • I love conquering my fears 💪🏼 You can watch this speech where I tell the story of how I got over my fear of public speaking.
  • I absolutely love places that are bright and have tons of natural light.
  • Superpower: I can find opportunities to learn and grow in almost every challenging situation or difficult person.
  • Talent I would love to have: singing like a pro 😍 (but I sing anyway!)
  • I love resolving quizzes/tests that show me a little more about myself. Below you will find some of my results:
    • The Mediator (INFP-A).
    • Emotional Generator, 3/5 profile
    • Enneagram type 7, with a lot of type 9.
    • Strengths finder 2.0: Learner, Intellection, Empathy, Ideation, Input.
    • Questioner.

Let's Connect!